Belgian joukkueessa koronatapaus, Joran Vliegen sivuun
4.3.2022 | 14:54 | Raportit

Suomen ja Belgian tennismaaottelun alla on ilmennyt koronatapaus belgialaisella nelinpelaajalla Joran Vliegenilla. Tapaus ei vaikuta tapahtuman pelaamiseen ja Suomen joukkue on terveenä – toivotamme Belgialle tsemppiä ja terveyttä!
”A player, Joran Vliegen, has tested positive for COVID-19 at the FIN v BEL Davis Cup Qualifier tie in Espoo, Finland. The event Covid-19 protocols are being followed and the ITF and the RBTF are in coordination with the Covid-19 Officer at the tie and the independent Covid-19 medical lead. The player is isolating and will remain in isolation until cleared as per the established protocols. The tie will continue as planned.”